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5 Best Tips for Building The Inner Trust


Why don't most people sing their own songs? Why do they live their lives in silence and despair?

Is it because they lack confidence?

There are many ways to pretend to be confident - let's pretend until you pretend to be confident! There are solutions that can give you a little boost by wearing those heels or maybe a certain outfit. But what if you could develop complete inner confidence that would allow you to shine, wherever you are, what you are wearing, or who you are with?

Now, here are five tips for building overwhelming trust:

1. Know Your "Why"

What are your vision, mission, and goal? If you've ever been on an absolute mission, you'll know how focused and unstoppable it is. If you haven't experienced it yet, think about the vision Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Angeline Jolie, and even Madonna (I love her, but some of us don't) have. They know exactly what they want from life, what their mission is, what song they need to sing. Finding their destiny is a tremendous task. Having a vision of what your future should be like, why you do what you do, who helps, whom you want to inspire, etc., is all about why. Tell us why.

2. Follow Your Intuition

I talk a lot about this, and there are many reasons for it. I simply know that if you trust your intuition, the right people, places, and things will magically appear to you. Ladies, when we work with our intuition, we are within reach - we are dealing with one of our female superpowers and that is a wonderful thing. We can feel guided, happy, safe, on the right path, and finally confident.

3. Breathe!

Breathe deeply before entering the room. Take a deep breath before you get up and talk. Breathe from the stomach - that is, not in a way that keeps your stomach up - and let your lungs fill properly. Breathing is especially important if you have to perform at a commercial event, or if you have to take 60 seconds of sound. If you are able to breathe properly, you will be able to speak with confidence, relaxing your abdominal muscles while breathing and actively exhaling air through your abdominal muscles while speaking and exhaling. Your voice will be fuller and rounder and less muddy and soft.

4. Energy

To be full of life and vitality, you need enough energy, which is really practical and also a little more esoteric. This is a broad subject, but don't forget to get enough sleep, good exercise, and fresh air (so that happy hormones flow into your bloodstream), good nutrition, rest, and whatever else you need to make sure you reach your optimal state. But you also understand how you can base your energy to help your confidence at the moment. It can be as simple as putting your feet firmly and evenly and spreading your weight instead of standing (and shaking) on one foot - especially if you're walking on heels, ladies! It fixes your feet firmly and evenly and allows you to distribute your weight. Bend your knees slightly and just imagine the roots coming out of the soles of your feet. This reduces the energy in your lower body and allows you to make your presence felt in the room. Do it just before you speak, Excellent, or if you feel a little overwhelmed, go to the bathroom before you return to the event!

5. Posture

Posture can mean two different things here. Physical position and approach or posture. If you believe in what you are doing (see point 1), trust your intuition, and have the right energy, you will have a positive attitude and a positive approach, and you can feel it. In terms of posture, stand up, retain your energy (see above), pull your shoulders back, insert the core (abdominal muscles if you're not sure), and lift your head (as if someone is pulling a strand of hair from the top of your scalp so you can stretch your neck and keep your chin level with the ground). When you are confident and standing, it is almost impossible not to feel confident. And if you start feeling this way, your posture will almost certainly be poor. Think about those old TV clips of soldiers in a parade, and you will see that they are not as confident as they should be.

Each measure creates trust, but if we apply it consistently over time, we will find together enough inner strength to feel safe in most situations.

Instead of living in silence and despair, find out what songs you can sing and start sharing them with the world. Even if it is only with those who are closest to you. If your song is still within you, don't go to your grave if your song is still within you.